Monday, June 25, 2012

It is the little things

I think outlook is everything. Sometimes our day is so busy that we don't notice all of the little things!

Yesterday, I was on my way to a bbq near my parent's house. The night before I had realized that I had forgotten to buy a side dish to take. I thought that it was inconvenient to have to stop for something as we drove the hour and a half there, but there was nothing I could do. That is when it is easy to forget that God cares about the little things. He cares about me and wants to make my life easier!

Before we made the drive, we went to our own church. After service a friend of mine yelled at me to come over to the One Heart Ministry area. She said, "we have so much food that got donated and it needs to go out today because of the experation date. Do you want some?" Wow! This never happens and was exactly the right food items for me to take to the bbq! Thank you God for thinking of me and the little details of my life!

I made sure to share with my kids how much God loves us and the little things! It is important to share what God is doing! Even when others might think it is not a big deal!

So then later that day, I was admiring the cake the my friend made on her facebook page. I even thought, that would have been perfect for Daphne's party, but my friend had entered it in a contest at her church and she had too busy of a week to make one for us. No big deal, I was just going to make cupcakes for Daphne's party! Then an hour or so later I got a call from my friend and she said that she won the contest and that she got to take the cake back home with her. AND WOULD I LIKE THE CAKE FOR DAPHNE'S PARTY!!!!! Another little thing, but God knew that I love fun cakes and that I would love a cake from my friend!!!

So the main thing, God cares about the little things! Don't ever forget that!!!! He wants to bless us each and every day! Don't forget to notice those little things and to feel blessed and to share what God is doing!

Second, a good friend is one of the greatest blessings that God gives! I am so blessed to have so many amazing friendships! Thank you God for putting these friends in my life!