Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homeschooling in a Pubic School World

Tact! Let me start with saying that I am writing this from my own persepective and thoughts and that I hope to write this tactfully so as not to offend anyone!

I constantly see the struggles that moms have with deciding what they want to do for their children's education. Just this week, I saw one mom talking about how her son was getting bullied and hit by another boy who had been in trouble at school a lot, two of my mom friends decided to put their daughters back into public school after homeschooling for a year to a few years, and another mom decided to pull her son out of public school and homeschool. Wow! I feel for each mom as she makes the decision that is right for her children!

For me, I think that the norm is public school. It seems easier to decide to send your child to get educated. You then get a little bit of a break and they get to be with friends and learning. However, I knew even before my children were born that I intended to homeschool. I knew this based off my own school issues. I remember the stress that I had at school and I know that my dad helping me with homework was truely what helped me learn. I needed his one on one attention and knowledge of how I learn! I also taught for several years and I knew that the social interaction wasn't how I wanted my daughters learning about how to treat people.

So is homeschooling an easy decision? No, our world says that sending them to school is the norm and why not! Lily came into my world and she was a handful! Wouldn't it be easier to send her to school? I wouldn't have to worry about scheduling her school work and what about when life is hectic and their is a new baby in the home? Or, I struggle with Valerie's learning style. Would it be easier on me if I just sent her to preschool? On the other side though...What if my daughter gets lost in the school system and they don't even notice that she isn't learning to her full potential? What if my child is getting hurt by another child and I don't even know until it is too late? What if a teacher is unfair to my child and it breaks her spirit? I am not saying that there is a right or wrong answer!

At the end of the day, I love homeschooling my daughters! I love that they don't leave my side for 7 hours a day! I love that I get to help my kids through their issues and that I get to see first hand what they are learning. I don't have to wait until parent teacher conferences to know how they are doing. I get to move their education along at the rate that works for them! I love that everything we do together is a learning experience! I get to bring the bible into their education! We also have more time for extra curricular activities like music and sports! I love that my girls are so close because they spend most of their time together and are best friends! Being with my girls each day is the greatest joy that I could ever imagine!!!

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